Comité 23.10.2021

MEETING 23.10.21 21H30

w. means with

Introducing the Tractanda list  technique to prepare meetings with list of urgent/normal/one day topics to discuss that everyone can add in the days prior to the meeting + someone choses to be moderator (martinha), someone choses to take notes (claire)


Feeling Round w. Martin, Chadi, Chloé, Claire, Noé, Martinha, Sylvan, Malcolm + Nyima (online)

Martinha moderates

The list shows 6 points that are considered urgent, let’s read them and pick where to start
Food / Garage / Foyer / Energy/Strambini / Matrice-Mobile / Free Market / Curtains / Money Status

Sylvan starts w. Garage. After settling in, Sylvan is ready to start setting up a workshop. He would like to do that in the river garage. Sylvan thinks the river garage is his best option especially w. regard to installing some heating to not freeze. He knows that it is mostly filled up w. Frederique’s belonging. He would like to start asap, but isn’t in a rush, but still he’d like to ask how we are going to do this. Malcolm has had a message from her during the week after telling her we really need the space. She says she’s ok but organisation is complicated as she cannot find enough people to help her (2-3 needed). Frédérique asks whether we could give here a few dates where 2-3 people could help load her stuff. Sylvan and Martinha will be back and happy to help and lead the coordination to set up a team, including driving, from November 4th onwards. Malcolm will reply to Frédérique that we will be available from the 4th onwards. After Frederique’s stuff is gone, we figure out quickly what to do with the remaining objects. There is no electricity in the garage, but Sylvan doesn’t mind for now, he might pull some from the Wagon later.

Food Coop : Martinha has experience w. this organisation connected w. Gebana, Bio Farm etc. It’s a 40 people collective using personal connexions w. producers and logistical efforts to make good food available. We could order large quantities of organic/socially responsible food at the same price as Migros bio products, except the food quality and the social aspect of the projects are better. Martinha was involved so fare with the Luzern branch to help there herself as part of the deal. as the Food Coop is anarchistic and self supported by it’s users. If it works, we could arrange to link up with a branch closer to Crémines (Bern).
Order are taken every 4 months during a week. We could order next in November (exact time tba). Delivery is for December.
Question would be how we finance these purchases, or who would want to purchase for what amount, and whether we would include the visitors in the loop or not.
Martinha knows which products are smart to buy (for example, not hand made pasta) and will provide a liste of suggestions.

Malcolm thinks there’s a wider question similar to : Are we individually ordering, or is it the Maison-Matrice ordering ? The latter would include the visitor users logically. There could be a separate food piggybank. Malcolm is opposed to that concept (specific food piggybank) strongly because it put the logic of paying for a service. He wouldn’t mind one for coffee specifically. Maybe we can try individual v. collective approach depending on the actual product.   


Sylvan and Martinha have heard from several visitors that they would indeed be happy to not have to organise basic staple food (pasta rice lentils flour coffee sugar). We have a statistical notion of how many fix inhabitants the visitors represent and can maybe order collectively certain foods w. certain safety.

Martinha sometimes consider quantity, or price, or social aspect of project…

Martinha will take responsibility for the first November order and then we would organise differently for the future.

More discussions to follow : how much money we want to put, what we want to order.

Money Status :
We miss 2700.- to pay the Strambini properly (with a delay we had already announced to them). Sylvan will get the IBAN from Noe after the meeting and Syl and Martinha announce 200.-/month until Feb. They specify having money on the side budgeted until Feb, and are ready to spit out more at once if useful. Malcolm says he might be able to pay for a lot of that amount soon, with maybe an extra week’s delay.

Curtains : Martin offers to find a date to put curtains up so save heating energy. We have to get curtains. Claire has a few curtains. Martin has written to theaters but no reply. Martin will manage the topic. All curtain materials and ideas to Martin. Malcolm broadens the question from curtains to general heating energy reduction : bringing the boiler water °C down to 55°C (done today), adding styrofoam behind individual heaters, let’s keep pushing that way.

Energy/Strambini : we have to come up with an energy strategy or the closest we can come to by the next 4 days. We will continue with Sebasol debrief session 2 Sunday evening + another actual discussion session w. regard to Strambini Energy Strategy Tuesday evening.

Free Market : next Sunday. Claire will let you know what is needed, ideas welcome.

Matrice-Mobile car : car status unknown. Claire will find out on Monday. General conversation for later. Martinha is thankful for Noe’s honest and frank communication about his car in the Telegram earlier this week, it inspires trust.

Foyer :  Trade off between workspace-socializing space in the Foyer. Malcolm observes a shift and is concerned that the working space functionality is being reduced because the socializing has increased. Discussing w. Alvin shows that practicing the piano there has become less confortable. Painting it black : if the Foyer becomes the get together and all work moves to the Barbook Malcolm worries he might not find it possible for him to live in the current apartment (that’s above the Barbook).

Idea: the family moving to the foyer
positive points: less worriys about sound, nice balcony, nice sleep place (…)
negative point: less redicencys happening in simultaneouse, reduces even more the working space of the foyes – actually, it would completly « kill it ». The family being on top of the barbook makes pressure on the sound in the night (has to stop early wich is nice in terms of neighbours relations)
 – Discution Point / Debate –
Shared how it has been the experience in the foyer (positife, fluid with the residencys)
She asked others: How is has been for you? People share 🙂 – there’s also in this point the concern of the working space / get together place…


Addendum : NEXT REUNION should feature DOSSIER as urgent.

Addendum suite à la réunion Energy building sebasol debrief session n°2 on 24.10.2021:  
*Call Luca Jeannerat for a cost estimate of the roof isolation
*Call Faivre about costs of renting burners for sanitary or sanitary + heating

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