The Matrix House,

what is it ?

The Maison-Matrice is a building/tool located in Crรฉmines (Bernese Jura), dedicated to the practice of the arts by and for all and to the search for new modes of production and distribution of the arts in the 21st century. Everyone is invited to come and carry out artistic residencies*, without any expected compensation.

*According to a definition of art as “the creation of bonds”, a very broad definition. See under [PHILOSOPHY] for more information on this approach.

La Maison-Matrice offers itself as a space conducive to artistic activities and exchange, cultivating slow time with a view to freeing artistic practice from the constraints of efficiency and performance in order to allow art practice to tap into more meaning.

On the [RESIDENCIES] page, you will find practical information about the residencies, the guestbook of past residents and the calendar of occupation of the accommodations available at La Maison-Matrice.

At the Matrix House,

how does it work ?

Access to the Maison-Matrice is free and open to all.

Cash donations, in-kind donations and volunteer work : these and thess only make up the resources of the [ASSOCIATION]. At the Matrix House, an experiment is made to apply gift economy as much as possible, following the expression : “From each according to their means, to each according to their needs.”

Within the Association, decisions are taken horizontally according to the principles of self-management. For more information on the internal structure, the community behind la Maison-Matrice and its philosophy: [ASSOCIATION LA MAISON-MATRICE]

NB: It is not necessary to become a member of the Association to take part in the efforts that make la Maison-Matrice possible. Just like everyone is welcome to make a residency, everyone is welcome to join forces and participate. It’s great fun and a learning opportunity !

Why make

a Matrix House ?

In the current context of energetic decline, the Maison-Matrice sees itself as a possible response to the looming danger of cultural weakness. The Matrix House is as an attempt at establishing an independent, autonomous and sustainable melting pot of creativity that allows for the creation of bonds of all kinds that ensure social cohesion and the ability to think and assimilate change in a collective and peaceful manner. [PHILOSOPHY]

How can I support

the Matrix House?

The Matrix House is exemplary in several ways: It is an experimental project that aims to lay the foundation for an alternative production method for the creative industry. In times of crisis, public subsidies to the cultural sector will undoubtedly decrease. It is high time to create autonomous structures that promote artistic creation in the long term.

There are many ways to support us and we welcome each one of them. You can either gift us with your time spent with us, giving thoughts, creativity and ideas or you can donate, any amount welcome. Find info about Free Donations here (attention, there is two different IBAN).