Life at the Matrix House,  Slider

Permaculture Garden

Thanks to collective work actions, a mini cultivation tunnel and a vegetable garden with permaculture mounds popped up at the Matrix House in 2020.

After some heavy sweating for the challenging installation of these structures, the first crop yield delighted eyes, hearts and taste buds : cucumbers, peppers, aubergines, herbs, tomatoes & peppers in the tunnel, (very) large salads, kohlrabi, swedes and pak choi on the mounds.

Most of us are new to gardening, but we keep ourselves interested in the subject and we aim for more vegetable production in the long run. We would like to thank the PAJ* and the Clef des Champs** for their advice and beautiful seedlings.

In parallel, ther orchard on the property offers greengages, prunes and two varieties of apples along with an opportunity to learn how to make the most of these beautiful fruits – and to share some fruit with the wasps ๐Ÿ˜‰

*The Permaculture Association of the Jura Arc offered us some advice in exchange for a future concert !ย 

**La Clef des Champs is an cooperative that grows organic vegetables 30 minutes drive away in Courgenay (JU). For a few hours of work a week, we receive beautiful baskets of vegetables and a few seedlings for our garden.

At the invitation of her colleague Florian Favre, Claire Huguenin created an original song inspired by the moments spent pruning the fruit trees in the orchard. It was broadcasted in the programme “Palabres” produced by the Club Grison JazzChur in the course of the “first confinement” in 2020. Listen to Claire Huguenin, from 19’30”: